debra kagan


Debra is a rare bloom in the field of art. To be recognized in the “art world” and to be competitive in its marketplace, most artists identify themselves, and are recognized by a characteristic style or subject matter. For many artists, their point of view - the way they interpret what they see, dictates what they see. Modigliani’s portraits each resemble himself. In this way an artist becomes distinguished, and distinguishable from other artists.

Debras style and point of view is inspired by what she sees. And she is inspired by many aspects of the world, nature and life. She brings herself forward to meet the subject of a painting with anything from color-packed whimsy and playfulness, to geometric subdued sophistication; from cubist abstraction to folk-artsy florals. Her art is generous - she gives herself passionately to her subject and follows its lead. This is how her work can be so varied, each piece so unique that you might wonder if more than one artist held the paintbrush. This might make her work harder to market, but so much more exciting, surprising, honest and fresh.

In magic lore, shape-shifting is one of the most prized and difficult skills to achieve. I admire artists who are capable of entering the nature of their subjects so completely that their personal identity is subordinate to the creative act itself. These artists are few and far between. (Picasso had specific time periods marked by a particular style and/or subject as in his “Blue Period”). But you may have heard of the film director, Ang Lee. This man’s genius is found in each of his movies, as radically different as one is from the next: The Wedding Banquet, The Hulk, The Ice Storm, Sense and Sensibility, Brokeback Mountain, The Life of Po, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. I am in awe of the skill and mastery he brings to each distinct genre — his versatility and range of expertise.

I am in similar awe of Debbie’s vast and varied artfulness, her freedom of expression. Her creative drive is insatiable. And with the pure, unrestricted delight for what she paints, she offers an expansive and delectable menu from which to choose. Ask, and you will receive a full plate!


Debra Talks

I LOVE creating a happy and comfortable environment, making people happy, Cirque de Soleil, dark chocolate, passion, laughter, teaching, learning, inventing, how to find that special something that a person I know really wants; How I can create something that makes someone feel such joy. I love meeting people.

I have an intense interest in inventing new ways to express myself with brushes and paint, with papers and foils, with micas and resins.

When I create something happens, its like hum, a wave coming from me, without barriers and limits or constrictions, and this feeling happens quite often to most creators….we communicate in all sorts of ways and not be repetitive. Each piece is a new moment in time for me to capture the emotion.

I am passionate about texture and one-sided about color combinations. I am definite about what I love. I know about war, famine, poverty, suffering, and failure in people’s lives. We see it all the time, so why put it in my art.   I know that the lives of people are sometimes complex, yet I also know that life is in fact so simple!

I create from my heart in an effort to bring comfort to you and the World.


Give me a call to learn more about my process.